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The FourBlock Podcast

Aug 30, 2021

“That adaptability, that flexibility, that go-with-the-flow mentality [that military dependents develop] are such important qualities. That’s what people are looking for when they employ you. That’s what helps you when you become a leader in an organization. Hold on to those qualities and use them, sell them when...

Aug 23, 2021

“No matter what your job is, no matter which service you’re in, there are incredibly valuable leadership, organizational, decision-making and problem-solving skills that every person in the military has, and [translates very well to help the digital transformation underway at Raytheon Missiles and Defense].”


Aug 20, 2021

Mike Abrams reflects on the current situation in Afghanistan and reads a letter published on Aug. 18, 2021 from Gen. David Berger and Sgt. Maj. Troy Black to Marines.

We know many of our podcast listeners are FourBlock program alumni and people who are very involved in our community and our programming. Just know we...

Aug 16, 2021

The Northeast Regional Director for FourBlock and a retired U.S. Army Lieutenant Colonel, Eric Stetson has a passion for supporting fellow veterans and helping others realize their full potential.

This week, Eric joins co-host Mike Abrams on the podcast to share his story of continued service, providing insights on...

Aug 9, 2021

FourBlock Founder Mike Abrams first heard Stephen Young speak at a U.S. Marine Corps leadership course for battalion and regimental-level commanders this past April. After listening to him give an incredibly insightful and engaging lecture on micromessaging and how leaders can become better communicators and build more...