Aug 17, 2020
Most open positions in today’s job market are filled through networking, often before the positions are even made public or posted online. This is where many transitioning veterans need the most help. Veterans can be completely isolated from the civilian job market during their active service which can lead to a weak professional network.
And it’s not just connections they lack…veterans need sponsors or professionals who are willing to put their professional capital on the line or “vouch” for them in order to get them in the door.
How does a veteran earn the sponsorship of a senior professional? This week, FourBlock Founder Mike Abrams outlines five key things veterans can do to start and develop a solid sponsorship relationship.
Welcome to the FourBlock Podcast, a show that examines veteran career transition and the military-civilian divide in the workplace.
General Charles Krulak coined the term "Three Block War" to describe the nature of 21st-century military service defined by peace-keeping, humanitarian aid, and full combat.
But what happens next? Veterans are often unprepared to return home and begin new careers. We call this the Fourth Block.
FourBlock is a national non-profit that has supported thousands of transitioning service members across the nation in beginning new and meaningful careers.
Mike Abrams (@fourblock) is an Afghanistan veteran, FourBlock founder, director of the Columbia University Center for Veteran Transition and Integration, and author of two military transition books. He’ll be representing the military transition perspective.
Lindsey Pollak (@lindsaypollak) is a career and workplace expert and New York Times bestselling author of three career advice books. Lindsey will be representing the civilian perspective of this issue.
Veterans, explore new industries and make the right connections. Find a career that fits your calling. Join us at
Over 77% of FourBlock alumni stay at their first jobs over 12 months. Sponsor our program or host a class to equip more of our veterans at
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