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The FourBlock Podcast

Sep 27, 2019

Welcome to the FourBlock Podcast, a show that examines veteran career transition and the military-civilian divide in the workplace.

General Charles Krulak coined the term "Three Block War" to describe the nature of 21st-century military service defined by peace-keeping, humanitarian aid, and full combat.

But what...

Sep 27, 2019

 Julia Taylor Kennedy is the Executive Vice President at the Center for Talent Innovation (@TalentInnovate), driving cutting edge research on the issues impacting today’s professional workforce. 

She led the sponsor dividend research and coauthored Mission Critical: Unlocking the Value of Veterans in the Workforce...

Sep 27, 2019

 In this episode, co-hosts Mike Abrams and Lindsey Pollak discuss the similarities shared between veterans and civilians making significant career changes.

Welcome to the FourBlock Podcast, a show that examines veteran career transition and the military-civilian divide in the workplace.

General Charles...

Sep 26, 2019

Jo Ann Ross is a broadcast network sales veteran who has served in various sales roles at CBS over the last 27 years. Jo Ann is the first woman to serve as sales chief of a broadcast network, and she is the longest-running sales head in broadcast television.

She was promoted to president and chief advertising revenue...